Sunday, August 11, 2024

Fears coming realized


Ruby knew there would come a day, she just didn't expect it would be this soon. There he was plain as day. And Ruby froze when she saw KC.

Of course, he didn't act much of it, like she was just a receptionist. He said they needed to make an EP.

"A what?" She was tongue-tied. She thought of all the hateful things she'd meant to say to him all this time but never had a chance. And here he was and he wasn't alone. Ruby squinted trying her best to be full of customer service. After all this time, no one had asked about the recording room where she worked. She was supposed to know how to use it, but honestly, she'd forgotten about it. "What do you mean?"

"We have a song to record," KC said very relaxed. He was with that Sunday Girl. Ruby needed to remember her name.

"You need to fill out an application," she told him. "Online."

"Online?" KC looked at her as if he'd come this far and that was all she had to say?


Ruby was frank. She couldn't look at him, nor the girl he was with.

KC kind of smiled. She hated that kind of smile. It tugged at her heart in fact. She was over him. Wasn't she?

"Just fill out the form, will you?" She'd do the rest. She presented it the form as if it was all legit and confidential. He nodded and went to work. The girl just stood there with her guitar. 

"Do  you have everything you need?" Ruby had to ask out of generosity. She didn't want to. KC nodded and handed over the form. 

Ruby got up and led the way. No one was waiting for violin lessons. 

She was full of dread. She didn't want to do this. She didn't. Actually, she'd never done it before.

Immediately when he found the sound system in the sound box, he told her it was shit. "Who bought this?"

"I don't know." Ruby had never been here before. KC shook his head.

 "I can't believe somebody would sell this junk." He made a face of disgust. "Do you know how to use it?"

"Of course, I do." Ruby was in a huff. She hated that he acted as if he didn't know her. She hated that he would say such mean things. 

But he moved her aside as if she didn't know how to do anything. And it hurt. It hurt so bad that he would be this numb and so negative to her.


  1. Oh god, how sad chapter it is!
    I am mad with KC, and I hope Ruby will have many good things in the future
    Have an amazing day
    Hugs ♥

  2. You describe emotions in a brilliant way. Have a lovely Sunday :-)

  3. What a situation! I can imagine the situation from both of their points of view! I've experienced similar situations myself and it's not pleasant at all! I hope Ruby is rewarded in life! And KC was very rude! I wish you a next week full of creativity! Cheers and hugs!

  4. Hey, I'm very impressed because this is a very, very emotional chapter... And a bit sad...


  5. Oh no, a terrible situation for Ruby

  6. Those who feel fear are more cautious. People who are too fearless become dangerous to themselves and others because they do not measure the consequences.
    (๊ˆแด—๊ˆ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  7. Oh sounds really heartbreaking
    I felt for rubby

  8. Gran capitulo, muy desgarrador. Pobre Ruby. Saludos

  9. I can imagine how it hurts.
    When we care about someone, everything they do affects us.
    When they are being negative, that affects us as well.
    And it hurts!
