Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last day of the year

Xander tried his best to be festive at the New Year's Eve party at Josie and Henry's. After all, he was with Ducky. What more did he need? He rested assured with Dakota, who was off with her grandfather and uncle along with Joey and Liv. They went to see a children's movie Dakota wanted to see. Sunny was off at Rosie's house.

He hadn't heard from Kevin.

"I don't know why you're so worried." Ducky gave Xander a glass of wine and told him to chill. "If he needs you, he'll call."

Xander doubted Kevin needed him for anything, but it wasn't long until his phone rang. It was Kevin.

He was asking about Dakota.

"I text 4 times and I haven't heard a thing." Kevin sounded worried. Xander almost smiled. That was the last thing he expected. Were he and Kevin a lot more a like, than he knew?

"She's at a movie with her Dad and grandpa." Xander told him.

"Oh." He sounded awful sad.

"What are you doing?" Xander wanted to know.

"Nothing." He sounded so sad. Xander told him where they were. "Did you want to come to the party?"

"Oh, I dunno." His sigh was dreadful.

"I'll pick you up." He said he could be over in a few minutes.

Naturally, it didn't sit well with Ducky when he got off the phone. Maybe it was true, three would be a crowd, but Kevin was his guest and he was alone.

"I'll be right back." Xander told him, but Ducky wouldn't let him go alone, and he wouldn't let him drive, either ...since Ducky was the designated driver.

Soon enough, they were over at Xander's folks. Xander could tell Kevin couldn't get out of there soon enough. Kevin could have stayed and had martinis with Tessa, but he didn't want to be alone with her.

Xander winced wondering what that could mean.

"What did you do to Kevin?" Xander asked his step-mother Tessa.

Her eyes tensed as she looked at Kevin then Xander. Nobody said anything, but it felt obvious to Xander. Still he remained closed lipped. He guessed Kevin wouldn't be staying there, after all.

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