Tuesday, July 9, 2019

think not want not

Gabby wanted to believe she was happy with Arlo. Summer got off to such an amazing start, meeting an artist she couldn't wait to do naughty things with.

But was that all there is? It was as if her bubble of romance burst when she saw that Will was in a relationship now and would be a Dad by Thanksgiving. It made her ill. She didn't want to think he'd moved on, but her first love had settled for a teenage mother. It was..well, disgusting to Gabby.

Then when she noticed Ste hanging out with such a nerdy girl it almost put her over the edge.

"I wish you would tell me, what's going on?" It was true Arlo sensed they were in limbo too.

First, she said nothing, only to snarl her nose up as if she hated everything in this world. But she could see he kept looking to her for answers.

"It's complicated," She finally admitted, hugging herself hard as if it was only a bad tummy ache and it would pass.

Of course, he had plans for swimming and camping with her on weekend trips. She wasn't quite the free spirit that he'd imagine. She still lived at home and there were curfews to abide. Yes, she hated her life. She was one big excuse after another. At this rate, she might never find what could make her happy.

"Well, it wouldn't be so, if you'd just tell me," Arlo told her she really needed to talk to someone. Why couldn't she talk to him about her troubles?

Where could she start? Did he really want to know just what kind of bad she was? How she made more enemies than friends. Honestly, it was so muddled in her brain that she could not even think how it all started.

Gabby didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to drag Arlo down with her, either.

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