Saturday, November 2, 2019

Baby's back where you belong

Joon was certain of it, he and Nat had to be the worst parents ever.

Niah did cry a lot. Breastfeeding didn't pan out the way Natalie intended. Four different baby formulas later they finally found one that worked.

Now Joon knew what his duty was as soon as he got home from work. He loved baby Niah but he was up a lot at night and drank plenty of caffeine. It was hard to find time to go to the gym.

Yes, he needed to face facts, he had to embrace his Daddy bod and so did Nat. She hadn't dropped the baby fat like she intended either.

Of course, she thought she might be working by now, but truly being a mom to Niah was the most important job. He knew she was overthinking, but he couldn't tell her that. He did his best to make meals in batches on the weekend and take care of Niah so she could have some time to do something with her friends.

Thankfully, friends like Char and Holly kept her spirits up with lots of matinees and freebie lunches. Hopefully, she was feeling more like herself again.

It wasn't easy being a dad, but he embraced it with the help of his brother, support from work and family.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! Keep up the writing and what you do! Please!
