Monday, December 30, 2019

let the right one in

Ivy wanted to believe all was right in the world with her and Brian, but it actually wasn't true. Still, she busied herself trying to crochet as if it were one more thing she could master when deep down she knew she was just a liar.

She sighed deeply, feeling a little dizzy. What did it mean? It couldn't mean anything. She gritted yet remained even lipped. Nothing was the matter, she told herself.

Yet as she went on with the stitches on the crochet stick, she felt as if the end was near. A part of her blamed it all on her mother. If..if she would have been home instead of with that Dylan of hers, all would have been right in the world. Things wouldn't be so complicated.

If..if Brian hadn't took that part-time job at couldn't...wouldn't..shouldn't have happened. Damn, him.

She took in a breath as if she could definitely be her regal self and it  was  nothing. Nothing at all.

"You, really did it this time," the inner voice awoke her. Of course, it would be Will. Why was it always Will?

He was somebody else's father now. He had a baby with that redhead that Ivy still couldn't stand. She loathed the thought of her. Of course, it would do no good to get flustered about those two. It was long gone now.

Ivy ran away with Brian at WORLDS OF FUN. A lot of good that did, Ivy thought now as her nervousness made her all the more jittery. What if...

She couldn't let herself think it, and yet, she very well remembered Jay's warm lips, pressing down..down. It was as if he'd swallowed her essence and gave her a whole new meaning of what love really was..or was that just sex.

She looked around her wondering if anyone was watching. She was alone now. Brian was at his part-time job cleaning the bank then the dentist's office and the recording studio. He sometimes didn't make it home until two in the morning.

It was sometime after midnight when Jay found her. She shook her head, thinking what were the odds. The baby sleeping in the crib next to her bed. He'd reached out. Sad, she supposed.

The holidays did that to you, you know.

She cleared her throat. It would never happen again. Besides, wasn't she coming down with something. She squinted ever so carefully. Thinking, she wasn't that bad, was she.

It could have been a dream. It should have been.

Her eyes were wide open. She knew Jay could find her and he did.

1 comment:

  1. What a way to start January! This is getting interesting.
