Saturday, December 28, 2019

Nothing like old friends

Finally, Taylor and Sara came for Christmas. Omaha was glad to see his old friend who moved to Des Moines. It was good times, filled with laughter and warmth.

Omaha smoked meat and there was plenty of Christmas ribs for brunch. Still, he felt a little sad. Things weren't like they used to be. True, they both had families now. Sara was expecting in May.

Perhaps, it was the idea that Omaha and Sheila were thrilled with their one. Could they possibly have another? They were both the only child in their families.

Yes, he supposed he'd always wanted a brother like Taylor. Omaha would give it some thought, perhaps. Maybe not. He'd just have to wait and see. As a first time dad, he was losing sleep and a lot less me time.

Still, it was a joy to be a dad. And yet he felt he'd lost his friendship with Taylor.

Sure, they text most everyday and called each other on weekends, but he hadn't seen him for so long.

"Aren't you guys ever moving back?" Omaha wanted to know on their last night and still had time to enjoy the mild weather before a cold front moved in.

"We're pretty settled," Taylor shrugged. We like our house," Taylor explained it was brand new and Sara loved her job in advertising.

Omaha did his best to smile. No way did he want to start over in another city. He and Sheila were settled here with their home and work.

"We'll have to come out there this summer," Omaha knew they would want to see the new baby and maybe they would be used to being parents by then.

"I'm gonna miss you, man," even Taylor was misty-eyed when he hugged Omaha. "I don't have friends like you, out there."

Omaha cleared his throat. He told Taylor he was the one and only. He couldn't possibly make a friend as great as Taylor. There was Ed up the street to talk too, and he got along with his son who was now in college. There were a couple of other neighbors he knew, but none he could hang out with all day.

Omaha wanted to say, "I wish you wouldn't go."

But he didn't. He smiled and said he'd keep in touch.

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