Tuesday, January 5, 2021

be the change you want to see


It was true. January was a long month. And it was winter. And it was cold.

Liam was bored out of his mind. And he'd done more than enough social distancing. Especially after his breakup with Lizzy which happened long before Thanksgiving. He just hadn't told anybody.

And then he saw Bom one day in the hallway of his apartment building. And she had a baby.

Naturally, that took him from almost falling against the wall. How was that possible? She never mentioned anything about a baby and she couldn't just have one that large. He wasn't a newborn.

She only laughed a little at him and invited him in. Naturally, Liam wasn't sure he should be here. He'd spent a majority of his time catching up with THE WALKING DEAD and playing various zombie video games. He hadn't actually communicated with t he real world, even with his night job.

"Just when I think you're growing up, you aren't," Bom said as she heated the kettle and found some leftover Christmas cookies.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He looked her, overthinking she'd changed. Yes, he knew she wasn't with Cody anymore, yet she still lived at his place with somebody new.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Lizzy?" Bom felt hurt that no one had told her and she only lived a couple of doors down from him. Were they strangers now?

Liam sighed as he started to tell her about it, but bit into a cookie instead. She went to tend to the toddler who still wanted to study Liam, who stared right back at him.

"I've been busy," although he still needed to take a lot more classes in criminal science. It hadn't worked out quite as easy as he'd thought with the computer classes. There always seemed to be more skills to learn. "Maybe I just didn't have time for Lizzy, but then her grandmother needed her and well, we still talk."

"So, there's a chance you two still might get back together?" Bom looked at him, knowing Lizzy was the first person he'd ever lived with.

"She might meet someone," He was even lipped as if he'd thought it over long before and he knew he'd have to get used to this fact even if everyone was on practical lockdown these days. More so in Chicago where Lizzy lived than here.

"Well, you have to keep talking."


"Why can't you call each other?"

Liam rolled his eyes at that. "I don't like talking on the phone."

"Well, sometimes you have to do some things you don't like..that is if you still want her to be a part of your life." Bom went to make tea.

He sighed ever so slightly. Why did she have to be right?

"Yes, mother." He looked at her blankly.  They'd been friends long before he moved here. Bom was like family. And maybe he'd treated her the worst. Especially, after Cody left (who was once his roommate). But she was with Brian now and he didn't want to like Brian. He wanted to continue to be on Cody's side. Although, Cody never called him. He didn't even know where he was.

And now Liam felt like staying around. Even helping out with Brian's son. He'd missed talking to people after all.


  1. Liam seems like he doesn't know what he wants.

    1. A few years back I had a friend who said he would be working for the FBI right now. There were all these flyers about computer classes specifically for something FBI related. Well, all the friends that took those courses have yet to find a high tech security job. One still works at the zoo. Another is a hairdresser. And one is still in college. Also I have a cousin who only likes text and won't talk on the phone. So being set in your ways can start early on.

  2. Unfortunately our life can pass us by when series / TV / games take up our time

    1. So true. And sometimes, it's easier for us to forget the serious stuff.

  3. oh...I see ....about Brian

    Have a nice day

  4. uy que Liam, genial capítulo muy humano. Te mando un beso

  5. Tantos encontros e desencontros na vida, mas afinal não podemos ficar sem conversar com as outras pessoas...

  6. You write about life issues well ~

    Moment by moment ....

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
