Sunday, January 3, 2021

it hurt because it mattered


It felt like a lonely time at home and even the hospital lately. Dan knew he was fortunate and should be appreciating this small vacation between holidays. Only, nothing was the same. 

He and Valentina took the test and the results came back true. They were siblings. Her mother invited him to Christmas but due to Ivy and the baby he didn't go. So they came to him.

It felt odd to have his sister in his home, bringing all sorts of goodies. The fact remained they didn't know how to act around each other. Although, she was being thoughtful, Dan still wasn't sure how to return the favor.

"I'm sorry I was so rude," she told him as the new year began and she might be seeking forgiveness.

"No, it's fine. I do understand," he knew he was a stranger to her and a part him felt they might always be strangers at this rate. But here she was on her own.

Naturally, she did have questions about their family and what happened to them.

"I am not sure I'm much help," Dan shrugged. "I mean, I was small too." But he thought his dad was busy a lot. 

"Most dads are like that," she nodded. "You know, to make a living, being a good provider."

Dan supposed she was right and he shouldn't be melancholy about it. He thought about what he was doing this time last year. He couldn't say clearly what was exactly going on and yet he knew he was alone. Right here in his apartment. 

"I wish I could tell you something," he felt their conversation was at a dead end.

"We will just have to make up for the time we missed," Valentina told him.

Dan knew he was right. He'd been sad much too long and now it was hard to be happy even if he wanted to be.

"And how are Ivy and the baby?" Valentina wanted to know why they weren't here.

"Oh, she went back to her mother's," Dan hoped all was well there. He sighed a smile. He knew he should not think of her. Memories he wanted to wish away still remained. 

He wasn't sure which was worse. Yet a love remained in his heart and as cold he might seem he knew it was best to go on, hoping for a happy year.


  1. just try and try...will be happy at the end....

  2. So, Dan and Valentina are siblings. That's good news. Awkward feelings at first, but time will make them come closer to each other, seek each other's presence. Family is most important in everyone's life.

    1. Tis true..I do like to make connections when I write about these characters. It is a small world we live in.

  3. An interesting and beautiful story.
    I send greetings in the new year.

  4. They'll work it out together over time.

  5. Ah, relationships the big lesson of life we all have to work out ~

    Wishing you a Happy, Creative and Healthy New Year ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Veamos que le depara a esta pareja el nuevo año. Te mando un beso y t e deseo una genial semana. Adoro como escribes.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! All the best to your writing!

  7. No conocía está pareja pero está genial. Feliz Año Nuevo 🎉🎉🎉

  8. they will adjust to condition....

    Have a wonderful day

  9. Imagine suddenly finding out that someone is your sibling. It must be quite a revelation.

  10. It will definitely be interesting to see where Dan and Val's story goes....Great chapter as always, Ellie:)

  11. This is interesting story.
    Happy New Year 2021, Ellie ✨
