Saturday, March 20, 2021

we all want to meet that person who makes us calm and crazy in the flesh


"Rosie, what has gotten into you?" Chance gave her a dead stare. She was hugging him in the breakroom at the library. Of course, no one was there, but still he would hate to have a sit-down talk with the director.

She only giggled. After all, they were both wearing their mask. 

"But I want us to live together," she said and he only winced harder wondering what she was talking about. He didn't see that happening anytime soon.

"It could happen," she looked up at him very seriously. He knew she was serious. Of course, he did smile about it.

"I want us to move in together," Rosie went on to say, as soon as she graduated high school.

Chance thought he might have a small heart attack. He tried his best not to say the wrong thing. After all, he'd finally gotten a good car and it wasn't even brand new. 

"Well, we'll have to think about it." He knew his brother wouldn't think it plausible. Chance didn't even want to ask him. "I mean, we'll both have to work." He winced. He wasn't made of money. Of course, even now his brother made him save most of his paychecks at his part-time job.

Still, he knew she wanted her own family when she couldn't count on her own, and yet there was family everywhere that was helping her even if she might not see it that way.

She was quiet then. 

He knew she could only think of wanting something instant. It was her way of moving forward. Still, he was certain they needed to stay calm and be happy with the mundane process of every day.

"It'll be fine," he hugged her and managed to kiss her forehead. He could hear his brother's words already, "You've got a lot of growing up to do."


  1. She's lucky to have such a fantastic support system.


  2. She should take it slowly and enjoy her life as it is right now.

  3. Lovely post!!!!
    I love so much your posts!
    Kisses ♥

  4. Parece que esta madurando te mando un beso

  5. When one side wants something and the other isn't sure, there can be trouble.

  6. Hum...Viver junto implica numa série de coisas...
    a rotina do dia a dia pode tirar o encanto
    da relação por exemplo...

  7. Poor Rosie. It's never a good idea to rush a relationship to fix a hole in yourself.
