Sunday, January 30, 2022

landslides and other emotional first

 "Well, it could have been COVID," Charles told his daughter Poppy when she came over to see about him. In his case, it was an awful case of Strep throat. Still, he didn't want to take his chances. "It was the right thing to do, wasn't it?"

He knew Poppy didn't have an answer for him. After all, she'd been rather quiet since getting the engagement ring. He thought she would be happy.

Naturally, she insisted that she was, but he did wonder if she was having second thoughts about Alfie. No way did he want to influence her. This had to be Poppy's decision. In return, it felt she thought the same about Lynsey.

She brought his favorite soup, white bean and ham. They had supper together. The dish went well with the cornbread she made while she was here. Really, she did like spoiling him.

"If do have feelings for her, you shouldn't have let her go," Poppy said mid-way through the meal.

Charles looked at her as if maybe he didn't hear her correctly.

"You were happy when she was here," Poppy looked up at him as if she did want the best for him.

"Oh, but she's a young mother, and she-" He couldn't finish the sentence without getting teary-eyed. "She will work it out."

"But..but she needed you," Poppy told him.

"Oh, but I'm old. Youth is not on my side." He reminded her. "Her son has a father and I want him to know him." Of course, he might have been thinking of himself and how he wished he'd been more of a part of Poppy's life when she was growing up.

"That might be true, but Erro was happiest with you." Poppy smiled. "And I think Lynsey was too."

Charles felt his throat ache with emotion. Oh, he hoped it wasn't COVID after all.


  1. Hello!! interesting chapter, and I like the title of this one too. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Uy pobrecito ojala no tenga Covid. Te mando un beso

  3. Bom dia. Mais um mês terminando e espero que o seu mês de fevereiro seja com muita paz e saúde, tanto para você e familiares. Obrigado pela visita e carinho.

  4. love to read two ways communications...

  5. Aaaaaw....poor Charles. While I might not agree with his decision, I totally understand his reasoning. I hope there are brighter things ahead of him.
    PS That's great to hear it's a bit warmer there now. Not here unfortunately...sigh...and haven't started any new shows or any new projects. Going through a lazy period right now...sigh...

  6. i have younger housbend and this is great! Age differences is not so important nowadays. So he should fight for her!!!

  7. Isso da garganta doer e não saber se é COVID ou não...
    Conversar é tudo de bom e fazer um teste também!


  8. Interesante, esperemos no sea COVID.


  9. Heart to heart connection is important!

  10. Ooh, plot twist; not COVID, but strep! And Charles letting Lynsey go is so noble. If his face claim is any indication, he's quite handsome and not at all old. Even though I feel for Casey and want him and Lynsey to work things out, I can't deny that I think Lynsey could be happy with Charles. As always, way to create depth and conflict. You're the master, Ellie!

    1. Oh, you are just making me smile and smile. Honestly, Charles is not that old. And yes, I really think Lin Shen is a wonderful actor. And yes, I do like Charles and Lynsey together!
