Friday, July 22, 2022

It's the little surprises that keep you going

 June felt like a blur now. Maybe July did too. Rachel couldn't tell you what time of day it was. Yes, that's what motherhood could do to you.

Oh, Jory's parents showed up from California. It was a bit more stressful than she anticipated. Evidently, Jory and Rachel didn't do anything right. His parents didn't like where they lived. How in the world could they raise an infant in an apartment?

"I bet the neighbors will complain about the noise," His mother Sandra had said on their arrival. Of course, Rachel didn't think much of it. She was happy they were here. Although, Jory was not. He had to work. He ignored them even when they went out to eat.

Of course, Rachel had her mom Lena and that was all she needed when the baby arrived.

Except. Rachel still sighed about it even now every time she looked at their queen-sized bed. She'd had Asher in her own bed. Of course, when her water broke in the middle of the night while she was in the bathroom Jory informed her it was too late to go to the hospital. How did he know?

She'd complained of contractions earlier, but he kept telling her. "They wouldn't want to see you anyway, it's too early." He timed the contraction on his trusty old watch.

Rachel didn't know why she listened to him. Even her mother was perturbed. It was like the last chance and then she gave birth to a seven-pound baby boy. Which Jory delivered.

"I don't know what got into him, to do such a thing?" Her mother still shook her head at how it all went down, but she was there helping with Asher who was just a big onion head who could suck the life out of Rachel.

Yes, she was a little dazed and confused. Maybe her Jory was much more of a doctor than she knew. His mother spoke of how she wanted him to be a doctor. "We all thought he would have his own practice by now." She'd said.

It was devastating to hear, yet she knew he had hated his time in the emergency room. So if the Post Office was less stressful then so be it. She just hoped he didn't have to deliver the next one.

"THE NEXT ONE!" Oh, her mother gave her a look that Rachel was the one who was really impossible.

"Well, I want one that's going to look like him." She'd shrugged while Asher was nursing. Maybe it was just euphoria. She didn't quite know, but Asher did look a lot like her Dad. Asher's eyes were rounder and a very dark blue. His hair was coming in blonde. She'd never suspected that. 

"Is that how it is?" Her mother looked at her as if she'd never thought of the science of birthing nor DNA.

"We shall see." Rachel looked ever so brightly. After all, the doctor said at the emergency room that she could have as many kids as she wanted. Not that she wanted that many. But evidently, they could move to outer Alaska now and she'd have her own personal OBGYN with her.


  1. i can not image delivery my baby in my own house brrrr so scary xd

  2. Asher is a popular Hebrew name. It's derived from the word 'osher' meaning 'happiness'. It's also the name of a biblical figure from the Old Testament.

    1. I am so glad it's popular again. Thanks for the info too ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. as many as she wanted, for me one is enough hehehehe

  4. I seem to be reading about Portugal where maternity hospitals are closed for lack of doctors, pregnant women have to have their babies at home!!

  5. Oh, this part made me so mad!:

    "Of course, when her water broke in the middle of the night while she was in the bathroom Jory informed her it was too late to go to the hospital. How did he know?

    She'd complained of contractions earlier, but he kept telling her. "They wouldn't want to see you anyway, it's too early." He timed the contraction on his trusty old watch."

    Then, when we find out that Jory wanted to be a doctor, I couldn't help but wonder if he made Rachel stay home on purpose! But then again, maybe I'm projecting my own bias against home births. By the end, Rachel seems almost charmed by her guy playing doctor: "But evidently, they could move to outer Alaska now and she'd have her own personal OBGYN with her." To each her own. An interesting turn of events to say the least!

    In the collage, is Rachel's dad Glenn from Superstore?!

    By the way, that's awful about your Salvation Army not having AC! Especially because they have that food truck that feeds kids at your library. Living in summertime isn't always easy!

    1. Oh, those are Jory's adoptive parents (and yest that is Glen) and they were the ones who wanted him to be a doctor. Of course, she might not have been so happy with Jory at the time it happened, but since it worked I would never advise having the baby at home. But recently, I hear more stories of people having babies on the way to the hospital. Yes, some find it hard for the hospital to even want them there until the last minute.

  6. Birth at home, I can't imagine ... if there were complications ...

  7. They were lucky there weren't any big issues during the baby's birth.

  8. Jory's parents sound fun. :)

  9. Hello!! Thanks for the great chapter.


  10. Uy debe meditar que es lo que va hacer. Te mando un beso.

  11. Too many people around for my liking. Parents and inlaws, never a good idea. And them not liking anything you do, who needs that. Go to the hospital. Home births are foolish in this day and age.

  12. It's nice to see so much happiness in the air right now!

