Monday, December 19, 2022

On a mighty fine cold night

 "Well, you know I'm pretty much in love with you," Jay might have giggled when he said it. Maybe it had to do with all that money somebody won at the casino and vowed to pay off all of his daughter's hospital bills. 

Frank also said, "Let's get married!"

Were they in their right mind? He wasn't just talking bout himself and Jay's mother. He wanted Jay and Lindy to get married too.

"Why not!" Lindy might as well have been drinking something that night, but she wasn't. 

"So, that's how that all happened," Jay grinned about it now hoping for a nod from all his buds.

"You, had a goddamn cheap wedding?" Slater looked at him with a HOW COULD YOU look.

"Hush, you're a dad now, you can't talk that way," Jay whispered back. The women were with the children and the guys were out back waiting for snow as if they would be out here any time of the year at Josh and Minnie's nursing a whiskey sour about now. But most were drinking light beer.

"I just don't understand you," Slater shook his head. "You were supposed to tell me first and I was supposed to be there."

"Were you now?" Jay chuckled all over, thinking Slater was his best friend after all. He slapped him on the back and Slater embraced him, practically cried into his shoulder.

"I just hope Lindy-" He blubbered something. Jay was sure he was not supposed to hear.

"Look, we are all doing fine," Jay looked him in the eye. "Hope was there. It was all good."

Jay kept smiling.

"Does Ivy know?" Slater gave him a dead stare as they hoovered around the fire pit in their parkas and furry hats. Omaha was of course getting some hot dogs going on a big fork. 

Suddenly, Jay thought he might be sick. He managed to shake his head, no.

"There's a lot I haven't told her," he sighed. She'd probably have a fit if she knew Hope stayed with his mother's neighbor while they were at the casino. At least, they didn't bring the toddler.

"Well, you can't keep it from her," Slater sipped his beer.

"I know." Jay nodded as if he would tell her everything. "The good news is, Lindy, got accepted to an Art school."

"Art school?" Slater winced as if that was the last thing he would have guessed. "We got one of those around here?"

"No, it's in K.C. but she'll be doing most of her work online." Jay shrugged.

Slater gave him a slap on the back.

"Well, look at you, I guess Christmas came early this year." Slater shook with laughter.


  1. that was really kind of fast making decision about wedding:D

  2. Um casamento pertinho do natal seria interessante.
    Boas festas! Um abraço! :)

  3. It's fun hanging around with them around a fire in the snow. :)


  4. Uy que bueno. Genial fragmento.

  5. Another interesting story that is a nice read.

  6. Hola! la historia esta muy interesante. Besos

  7. I'm so excited for Lindy - she totally deserves it!


  8. I can't help but love this because wedding.....:D Who doesn't love weddings (even if quickly done)? And I hope Lindy does well in art school.
    PS So sorry to hear about the cough, Ellie! Hope you feel better soon! And Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones:)

  9. I'm so happy for Jay and Lindy! And I love that Lindy's going to art school! The part about Ivy is a little messy, but nothing's perfect, right? Anyway, I'm sure that Jay will tell her that he got married when the time is right.

  10. That s really interesting chapter My Dear Friend. Great :) Take care and Merry Christmas.

