Sunday, January 8, 2023

I spent a lifetime waiting for the right time

Joon didn't want to bring Poppy's dad into this. He was certain her dad didn't want Poppy to know. Maybe he had been sworn to secrecy of some kind. But really this was Poppy's chance and hopefully they would know why her mother did what she did. 

Of course, Poppy went round and round with emotions. He didn't think she'd slept a wink, even on the airplane and it was a long trip home. He knew she was exhausted, and he couldn't even tell Bom what it was about. But he needed her to help with Niah. Thankfully, she was understanding. Somehow, Bom seemed closer to their parents now after this trip. Maybe that was the best Christmas gift of all. 

Still, it remained a mystery and it was kind of strange how he got the mystery e-mail. Oh, he'd scavenged on all sorts of forums and facebook groups. Somehow, someone reached out to him. She said she'd known her when she was still in college. Poppy's mother was an actress turned professor. "She didn't act in the states," she'd said. Evidently, her parents didn't like her being an actress, either. One of the reasons she'd moved to the states. After all, she was well educated. So the woman from the e-mail said she would come to them.

Joon hoped this worked out. He hoped it wasn't a hoax. It felt as if Poppy's life was already a hoax. Naturally, he said they could come to her place, but she said no. Maybe she thought it might turn out badly, too. Yet, still she arrived on time. Of course, Poppy was having second thoughts, too. Like this was all such a bad idea. Atleast, they were at Poppy's who had as many photos of her dad and even her Aunt. Anything that might spark a conversation. Hopefully, this woman would know something.

Christine had been bummed out ever since Alfie found out about his past. She knew there were things she'd held on to, far too long. And maybe it was time to spill it.

Of course, she'd came across an old group she had hoped would have been more on Facebook. Yes, it was an alumni college thing. She'd hoped to catch up with long lost friends, but instead she found someone looking for answers. Instantly, she knew what this was about. Of course, she'd hoped to have forgotten, but she couldn't. No, she would never forget.

"Actually..actually, she was wanting me to say I..I was your mother on the birth certificate." Christine confessed. "But..but I'm no one's biological mother." Sure she wanted to maybe throw in a laugh or two when she got to Poppy's. But this was no time for a joke.

"See, I used to think I could be a comedian and well, I had joined this improv group, but it was more of an acting group. And, and that's how I met your mother," Christine felt as if she might get misty-eyed. Yes, she couldn't help but shed tears. "I mean, she..she really wasn't one of us. Not just a mere student. She was a little older. I found her very mature and well..quite worldly too." Christine did her best to smile about it. "But she wasn't perfect either. She had a lot on her mind back then. It was as if she'd let her parents down. She would never let them know. But, really..she did want you. I knew that."

Christine winced more tears. "You've been with your mother all along." Of course, she was certain Poppy didn't find much comfort in that.

She shook her head, no. She didn't want to believe it. It couldn't be. Poppy pressed her lips tight as if she knew it felt as if it was such a wasted chunk of her life.

" she doesn't even know me," Poppy told her about her Aunt having dementia. 

Christine knew it wasn't fair. "Well, sometimes, families can make problems when there shouldn't be. I mean, in the end, it can be pretty stupid, but..but you can't tell them that." Christine knew Poppy's mother came from an era where imperfect lives meant hiding those from the ones you loved. 

"I know your dad," she told her she was certain he'd wanted her to know all along. "I don't think he ever felt he was enough. Not for her, not even for you." Christine knew she couldn't apologize enough, but it was great not to have to keep this secret for another year.


  1. Hello!! I love the title and the chapter is good. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Que bueno por Christine y Poppy no es bueno vivir con secretos. Te mando un beso.

  3. Hola! los secretos no son buenos, al final las cosas no salen bien. Besos

  4. The bad thing about keeping secrets is that eventually they come back to haunt you.

  5. Thank you. Regine

  6. One chapter closes and another opens.

  7. Well, that's an interesting story.

  8. Imma gonna have to go back and see Christine's chapters coz I think I missed some major plot points! The story, with the secret she's keeping and the whole thing with Poppy is really interesting:) Ellie....I don't know how you come up with all these twists! Well done:)
    PS Thank you so much for always leaving such thoughtful comments on my blog! I will have to check out Who Rules The World. I only really watch Chinese horrors, and am totally missing out! And Meet Yourself sounds quite interesting too. Thanks for the heads up on these shows:) XOXO

  9. Oh wow, this is really heavy for Poppy. I love the whole "how I met your mother" angle -- especially because it wasn't what anyone was expecting! To find out that Christine was her mom's girlfriend and that her aunt is really her mom had to be shocking. You never cease to amaze me, the way you weave all these stories together. It's so nice that you got Poppy together with Joon (and Niah!); she finally has the family she needs.

    I love the yellow and pink in the first collage. So springy! 💛🎀💐
