Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Yet my heart wavers from time to time


"You've gotta be kidding me!" Brick couldn't help to be furious with Harley and Izzy. What were they doing? Going into a match-making profession? And Lincoln was in on it too. Besides, it was his friend Griffin who he brought to the party.

First of all, it was hard to believe Griffin was a soccer player with those really skinny legs of his. He looked like he'd be better off in girl's clothes. But Brick knew when to keep his mouth shut.

"You think, this is the guy for Brooklyn?" Brick couldn't help but give both of them a dead stare. He looked at the time. Of course, Brooklyn wasn't here. "See you are just wasting this guy's time. She won't come. She never does. She hates us." His voice rose over the music. Of course, everyone was silent because guess who showed up?

Yes, that was so last year. Brick still felt like such a heel. Is that what he was? Oh, god, he had to make time for Lincoln and Griffin now. It was like Izzy and Harley who were deciding who he would hang out with. Dang, if Brooklyn didn't just let everything fall into place.

Of course, even in the shower alone (a few days later), he had to wonder if it were his very words that turned everything around for her. He really wished he knew what he was actually doing. But they were all together. Usually, at Harley's. Watching movies, playing games. Doing something inside because no one wanted to venture out. Yet, they'd managed a basketball game or two with Tony and Kevin.

Actually, Brick found Griffin rather sullen. Possibly, he was depressed as Brooklyn, but they were at least depressed together. She hadn't changed out of her Wednesday look and Griffin looked as if he might be her flower boy the way he hung around her. It was like a TV mashup of some kind and Brick couldn't figure out just how to go about being anyone's friend.

Then Matty became a Dad and that was the only thing on Brick's mind. Of course, he was there to see their little one the moment it was born. No way was anyone going to stop that. He brought infant disposable diapers and whatever else any of the women on staff at the grocery store who knew Matty gave him to bring.

So of course, January brought more friends and more growing up to think about. Still, Brick wasn't sure he'd changed at all. He still lived at his grandmother's even if he step-dad asked him at Christmas to move back home. He hated to put him off, but even if he did change he knew his mother wouldn't, even after all this time.


  1. unfortunately.....
    but, interesting story to read

  2. Hello!! nice title and a really good chapter.


  3. Uy pobrecito, te mando un beso.

  4. Lovely collage. Nice chapter. Sometimes people don't change!

  5. Amazing chapter, sad but... amazing!
    Thanks for sharing it! I love this storie
    Kisses ♥

  6. This is funny: "First of all, it was hard to believe Griffin was a soccer player with those really skinny legs of his. He looked like he'd be better off in girl's clothes. But Brick knew when to keep his mouth shut." I'm glad things are looking up for Brooklyn, and that even if Griffin is as depressed as she is, then at least, as you say, they can be depressed together. I love the Wednesday reference. 🖤🖤🖤
