Friday, January 12, 2024

We lived without each other thinking


Oakley was certain she'd spent far to much time with family during the holidays. First it was Christmas and then Alfie's wedding. Why oh why was Finn doing this? She detested having their place open for dinner guests. Actually, any guests.

"It's just dinner," he said. "With your little brother and his girlfriend."

"I  know, " she yelped back. She hugged herself as she watched him put the finishing touches on the pasta in their little kitchen. The salad was made, even a homemade Greek yogurt dressing to go with it. He was the master cook. He wouldn't let her do a thing. In fact, he wouldn't even eat anything she made.

She sighed heavily as if she didn't like this one little bit.

"Is the table set?" He looked at her as if she could at least do this much. She stomped off to make sure the silverware was where it was supposed to be. She thought she'd set everything out. Sometimes, she didn't always do as she was told. She didn't like this chore. Of course, she wasn't sure what she'd want to be doing. Anything, but a dinner party.

"What is going on with you?" Finn wanted to know.

"I don't know." She looked at him blankly. Did anything have to be wrong?

"I know it must be trying, to be nice, but we need each other. We need to touch base," now he sounded just like her mother. 

"I am just tired of being nice, OK!" She shot him a look. Didn't she know how boring the whole wedding party thing was, and then there was Christmas and watching everyone open their presents. OK, she guessed she was a party pooper just as Boone always said. 

Now it felt Finn had probably caught on. She guessed she did have social anxieties. Was that what this is? She was so ready for the quiet. Just the two of them. A glass of wine and maybe a little jazz. Was that being selfish?

It was cold outside. And here they were with this dinner party. Just then Boone arrived with Lily. Oh, Lily didn't look like the life of the party either.

Oakley tilted her head in thought. Was that why Boone liked her so much. Was it because Lily was a lot like her?


  1. Interesting thought, very likely he is attracted to a similar type.

  2. Hello
    It is said that opposites attract, it seems that this is not the case here! I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  3. She needs to put her big girl panties on and then she can have her quiet time. When my gang gets together over Thanksgiving and Christmas (26 and 16 people), I sure enjoy the quiet car ride home......but family is family and sometimes you need to just do it.

  4. I kinda get it, gatherings can be hard. Sometimes you just want quiet even if later you find you enjoyed it. And hmmm... Lily and Oakley alike?

    The Motels????

    1. Oh yeah..this was the post I lost and it was a bit to get back on track. Honestly, Oakley is one of those who wants everything already done for her and yet she wants everyone to be there for her. I feel she has a lot of growing up to do. Still, in her mind she thinks of course, Boone must really think she's the best and he wants to be with someone who is like her. I know it sounds crazy, but over the years I have had friends who would compare who they were with to who I was with..and sometimes, people just want to see what they want to others.

    2. That is true. Good point. Maybe 2024 will be the year she grows up a bit. :) I always like hearing about Boone too. Your cast of characters...

      Sorry to hear about the snow. We had to do the driveway here too and it was a bitch. Heavy wet snow. It 's supposed to get cold here too although not quite as cold as there.

      I agree w/ you about the Olympics. I pretty much watch online now because TV coverage is awful. And they don't show anything but US teams.

  5. Uy los problemas regresan. genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  6. I can understand Oakley. She's tired of 'being nice', wants a quiet time with Finn, with no guests for dinner. That's not selfish, in my opinion.Perhaps she has social anxieties, as she herself suspects.

  7. I can understand Oakley, sometimes I also get tired of being surrounded by people and being friendly, a moment of peace and quiet is welcome.

  8. I feel for Oakley. Socializing is draining, especially during the holidays. What's more, I find Oakley's observation that maybe Boone was drawn to both her and Lily because they're both introverts very interesting. Hopefully, Finn will grow to love her quiet ways too . . .

    Thanks so much for including my snack tray in your collage! It reminds me of summer, which makes me smile. 🧀🍓🌞🍒😁
