Thursday, March 14, 2024

Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn

 WOE.. what had happened to Maddie? Rainy couldn't help but smile when he heard her speak at the coffee shop. Really, she never talked. Especially to him. She asked how he was doing? It was a thrill that shook him to the core.

Once upon a time, Darry mentioned they should date. No, not Rainy and Maddie, but Rainy and Darry.

"But why?" He didn't know Darry that way. Was he just having to play by some kind of new rules? Just to keep the calm?  Really, it was hard enough to know everyone's pronouns these days (not that he would want to offend anyone). But Darry got the idea it was safer that way. Just say they were dating so they could just go on with the crowd. Maybe.

And then that middle schooler practically abducted Darry. It was like spring came early. And well, Rainy didn't see much of Darry from art class. He hadn't seen much of Maddie, either. Oh, she was truly hard to figure out. She was pensive in a mysterious sort of way. It was like something was lost in her, but he didn't know what.

Sure, he'd watched her from afar and then she got with that Rafe. Rainy was certain she was damaged goods, but here she was so fond and very endearing.

"Hey, if you got time, there's this Laurel and Hardy movie marathon at the Youth Center."

 Yeah, didn't sound exactly like a date. He mentioned Darry and Junie would be there, as well as some other people from their art class. It was Friday after school.

"I'd love to." 

Her smile said everything. Really, he was touched and possibly the most giddy fool on earth. 

"Really?" He left the question hanging. He didn't think it would happen, but she met him after school. Damn, he was sure he'd mess it all up. Rainy was happy to go anywhere with her. He let her lead the way. 

Such an intoxicating feeling. Some would run from it, but not Rainy. Oh, he wanted to see just how far this would go. Still, he felt he was watching from afar, even being so close.

She reached for his hand. Seriously,  Rainy thought he might fall apart, but not just yet.

He bought her a slice of pizza and a drink for eight bucks at the commons. They talked about a few art projects. She talked about how she'd neglected using her creative muscle as of late.

"Oh, you can always catch up," Rainy smiled back. He met up with a group every Wednesday and they drew Anime in the quiet room at the library. "It's only the three of us." Even Darry had stopped coming.

"I didn't know," Maddie looked as if she'd been missing out on something great. Rainy was still in shock that she was so open. She was not sad around him, as he remembered. It was a delight to watch.

Later, they shared popcorn and a Big Cherry Coke from the endless bucket cup and laughed at everything that happened in those very old movies. It was a great time. Of course, he was barely an inch taller than her. He wondered if she noticed.

She kept smiling at him as if he were her very own prize. 

But he found himself wincing hard in the bathroom after the movie marathon was over. Wondering when it would expire. Maybe even tonight. He cleared his throat and knew he'd have to take it like a man. He bet that Rafe was stalking her and when he made his presence.... Poof! It would be as if Rainy didn't exist at all.

Yet, on that walk home with still a bitter winter chill in the air, neither seemed to notice. And a block away at the little park not far from either's house, they took a detour to the Merry-Go-Round. 

Like a dance, Maddie jumped on first and Rainy ran with the Merry-Go-Round. Faster and faster the Merry-Go-Around stirred. He could feel her laughter in the night air.

"Come here," Maddie said as if she was someone else. Not that girl in the art room who never showed anyone her notebooks and always looked a bit ill.

Rainy's chest ached. Was it really true?

They met in the middle of the dizzy ride and she kissed him with such zest that they found their way to the bottom of the vibrant ride. 

Rainy thought he might die, but it would happily.


  1. hola
    aun estoy poniéndome al día de tu novela, pero no tardaré en hacerlo

  2. Uau, eyes burning is really an exageration

  3. Grazie per la tua visita! Tornar presto a trovarmi ^_^

  4. New moments and new relationships always happen on or off the movie screen. Movies create a magical atmosphere for new romances.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  5. Interesting -Christine

  6. Lindo fragmento. No hay nada mejor que luego de un día horrible ver a alguien que amas. Te mando un beso.

    1. Cute snippet. There's nothing better than seeing someone you love after a horrible day. I send you a kiss🌸🌸🌸🎨🎨🎨❤️❤️❤️Thanks so much!

  7. Everything sounds so ... interesting ...
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  8. It's a wonderful feeling when you have someone who is important to you close to you. Best regards.

  9. I missed it! Wow!! That was... I'm really feeling these two. And I'd totally watch that movie marathon.

  10. Go, Maddie! I love this:

    ' "Come here," Maddie said as if she was someone else. Not that girl in the art room who never showed anyone her notebooks and always looked a bit ill."

    She's really coming into her own. 💋📒💋📒💋📒

  11. I don't know how, but I missed the Lisa Frank merry-go-round the first time. Excellent! 💜🦄🎪💜🦄🎪
