Monday, May 27, 2024

Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up


Graduation was done and gone. Rainy's days were numbered. Why in the world had he wanted to leave this summer for Lawerence? 

Back then, he wasn't thinking he'd fall in love and want to spend an eternity with Maddie. But it just felt so wrong now. Rainy was in a sad way.

Maybe there had just been too many happy days with her. After all, she was his first in so many ways. Not that they'd gone all the way, but the kissing was perfection and it was all so addictive. 

How could she have broken it off with him so easily? Was he just an experiment?

He'd been ill these days. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. And she still wanted to just be friends.

What was she trying to do to him?

"You guys should have hooked up last fall," Darry said. Of course, everything was peachy with Junie. They weren't going anywhere. 

"How do I get her back?" He'd asked while they were walking to the library alone for their last Anime meeting.

"I dunno man. Try not to obsess on her," Darry told him.

Rainy gave him a nod, but it wouldn't be easy. He'd cried himself sick every night. How could she be so cold? True, he'd let her have the upper hand since day one. But wasn't that the way to win the girl? Oh, he didn't like thinking like that. It was true love. At least for him.

"Maybe, she's right. You've got so much to look forward to. I know she didn't want to hold you back. Maybe she thought you had everything figured out and she's nowhere near that," Darry shrugged.

It didn't make Rainy feel any better.

"Hey, you got Sundays with her," Darry smiled as if that was the key. She wasn't letting him go completely.


  1. Wow menudo capitulo *0*

  2. A misplaced feeling or unrequited love is always a sad and depressing state. You just have to hope that it will pass.

  3. Good -Christine


  4. It's happiness to find someone you love

  5. The escape of not wanting to resolve things by avoiding a frank conversation about what is disturbing things between people is clear proof of human fragility.
    (κˆα΄—κˆ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  6. NinguΓ©m merece o que Rainy estΓ‘ passando e sentindo.
    Boa semana! Beijos!

  7. La esperanza es lo ultimo que se pierde. Te mando un beso.

  8. hola
    que cortito ha sido el capΓ­tulo hoy, me he quedado con ganas de mas

  9. new generation seems to be experimental more
    such situations can hurt to whom who were serious or innocent i suppose

  10. The heart wants what the heart wants, but I've been of the opinion you're either lovers or your friends. Once you've been lovers, you can't be friends. Better to not see the person and let your heart hill.

    1. I wouldn't say they were lovers. But she was the first girl to go out with him and he was in a lot of ways her first too. Although, we tend to face bridges in relationships when we graduate high school.

  11. Some people have problems expressing their feelings, and I think he is one of them ;-)

  12. This chapter looks pretty interesting.

  13. Poor Rainy:( I do hope things get better for him...breaking up is hard! Great chapter as always, Ellie! And thanks for the heads up on Spirealm. I just read about it and I love the premise! I just added it to my Viki TBR, as I can watch the first 5 episodes for free!!!! Woo! I might start it tonight:) THanks again. Am kinda excited to watch it:)

  14. When you're young, rejection has an even greater impact on you! It's a terrible shame when your feelings for someone aren't reciprocated! My fingers are crossed that everything will work out in the end! But endings aren't always happy!

  15. Rainy was in a depressive state - crying, not eating, not sleeping. A matter of unrequitted love. Maddie has left him. He'll have to find a way to overcome the situation.

  16. Love can really hurt us sometimes.

  17. Poor Rainy! Breaking up is hard to do. Darry gives him good advice, though. I hope he finds something -- or even someone -- to distract him this summer. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

    Love the rainbow eyeshadow palette in the collage! πŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
