Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What are you really doing?

 "What's happened to you?" Mercer went to visit Rafe. Finally, he found a time that Rafe was actually there.

It was hardly a room you could call home. There wasn't even a kitchen. Just a bathroom with a shower.

"Nothing," Rafe of course wasn't happy to see him. "Did my brother send you?"

"You know, how he wants you to come home. You can't hate him that much?" Mercer winced. "We've all been worried about you."

"So what," Rafe wouldn't look him in the eye. "I'm going to find a job and I won't need any of you."

"Why not do something noble. Go join the Navy or something," Mercer said as he looked at the small bed in the corner. Was he really even living here? Above the old town bakery.

"The Navy?" This cracked up Rafe. "I just need to find something. Ruby will know, I'm trying." He knew being at the bakery wouldn't last forever. "But if I learn to drive the bakery truck this summer and watch a little YouTube on truck driving, I'm sure I can be a UPS guy."

"UPS guy?" Mercer couldn't help himself. "Are you kidding me?" He laughed.

"What's so funny," Rafe was even lipped.

"You gotta be on time, bro? When have you ever been on time for anything?" He hated to be the bearer of bad news, but Rafe couldn't keep up with anything. Mercer knew. He'd heard it all from Cade. The kid couldn't keep up with his keys or assignments. It was a miracle he would graduate.

"Well, Mr. Smarter pants, what will you be doing at the University when my brother gets to live there for free for the next four years?" Rafe said he knew Mercer's grades weren't exactly fabulous. "Do you really think my brother wants to stick with a nobody like you?"

Mercer rubbed the back of his neck in thought. He didn't want to think about that. He really wanted to just stay at the library. Henry, the adult service librarian was helping him look into some online classes. He was aware that it was difficult to secure a well-paying job position at the library. That might take a couple of decades.

"Look, I think you'll want to go to college some day," Mercer said.

"No, I won't. I just need a job. A good job." 

Rafe was determined. And nothing was going to change his mind.


  1. UPS driver seems like a hard job...

  2. hola
    espero que Rafe lo consiga

  3. I think Rafe is going to stick with his decision
    Job and studies can get along well if one is passionate about future

  4. Rafe reminds me of a lot of people...so stubborn...which can both be good and bad, I guess:)
    PS I just read about Hard To Find, and I love the premise of the show...how she forgot who he is. I love story lines like these:) Thanks for the heads up, Ellie!

  5. Hard to get things through to Rafe

  6. Replies
    1. Rafe is definitely the opposite of his twin Cade who has succeeded in his own way by getting a 4 year scholarship. Rafe it trying to make his own way because he knows he won't ever be his brother. It may have sounded earlier that Ruby came home with him..and she did, but her father's new family lives in Rafe's military town..so she is living at home at the moment and he has found refuge where he works. He plans not to live at home. This happens to very few kids these days. He is definitely one of a kind. And maybe his dad is just watching to see if he can actually do it. Of course, it helps if you have met the right person...and maybe Ruby is that person.

  7. Bien por Rafe. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. In Portugal, it's happening all the time that young people take courses at university and then can't get a job in their field of study and end up working in jobs that don't even require a degree! and others who haven't done any university training find better-paid jobs than those with university degrees. I hope Rafe gets his dream job!

  9. Rafe sounds a practical guy. He wants a job, a good job, nothing more. University is not for him.

  10. Rafe is an interesting guy. It's hard finding your place in the world and the workplace.

  11. Rafe and Ruby... will they make it

  12. That's nice of Mercer to try to talk some sense into Rafe. Of course, it's a no good deed goes unpunished situation, what with Rafe lashing out and saying that college-bound Cade will surely drop townie Mercer. Not cool, Rafe! πŸ™„πŸ§πŸššπŸ™„πŸ§πŸšš

    I'm sorry to hear about your cough. That's the worst, especially when you can't sleep. It's definitely allergy season. I thought I had a little cold myself but then remembered the pollen. πŸ’πŸŒΈπŸŒ»πŸ’πŸŒΈπŸŒ»
