Sunday, June 30, 2024

Deep in the dark, I don't need the light

 Chili didn't mean to be so down. It frightened her to be alone at night. Of course, she helped out with the new baby at Yuki and Em's. No way could she be alone.

" could relax at home," Axton said. He had taken to nights to help out with Rory. 

"I just.." how could she explain it. "I want to be wherever you are."

"But..but there is a baby," he explained. Naturally, he was a natural with babies. It made Chili dream of having her own baby with him. But.. still waiting. She wouldn't dare.

She watched. She learned. She made sure to do her part, letting Axton rest. Honestly, she loved him more than she ever thought she would. Of course, she hated her ex-husband all the more. Maybe it was just violent thoughts of the past. She didn't dare tell Axton about him. Perhaps she should, but she didn't feel the need to. There was always peace with Axton, even in the cramped basement at Yuki and Em's. She never knew how he'd lived there so long. Yes, despite having a small place of her own, it was their haven. But she would make a home where ever he was.

She was with Axton, even in his thin bed. It was so warm and cozy. Anything could happen. And it did.

For the first time, she got to know her lover well. He was generous and always kind. Axton made everything better. Did Em know of this, and rejected him, anyway?

Of course, it could be three in the morning. Did she even know anymore? A kiss there. and a kiss here. Honestly, it was so magical. What sort of world had she gotten mixed up in?

She watched Yuki and Em. They were so in love. She knew it was true. And maybe she and Axton were just as much. Yes, she made every second count with him, even in the wee hours of the morning. It was languid. It was attainable. Maybe it was only a touch. But she knew who she wanted to spend her late hours with, or was that early morning?

"You know I love you," she told him when he was with Baby Rory. Did she dare say what she really wanted? Oh, it would come later with kisses at her breast, between her thighs until she stirred it all in the right direction. 

Maybe she hoped it would hurt her ex the most. No, seriously, she did want to make the most of her relationship with Axton. And those fascinating words came to her that she never thought she would speak of in the dead of night. "Marry me."

But he nuzzled her ear instead, speaking something she knew not of.


  1. Love and instinct vibes lead to desire naturally yet still unknown of the possiblities.

  2. Temos a tendência de comparar o relacionamento atual com o anterior.
    O atual deve ser sempre melhor.
    Beijos! :)

    1. We tend to compare the current relationship with the previous one.
      The current one should always be better.
      Kisses! :) 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Thanks for your perspective. Thanks for reading...and commenting.

  3. Nourishing the relationship to make it better.

  4. It's warming to read about true love: Yuki and Em who already have a baby; Chili and Axton, still not married, but Chili's working on that...

  5. Wow finally some action hihihi!!! Now a new point of interest begins, I'm curious about the continuation of this story! I wish you a happy month of July!

  6. Uy que lindo y dulce fragmento. ¿Qué contestará ella? Te mando un beso.

  7. Very poetic. I'm happy to see Chili so happy...

  8. Your writing has gotten even more beautiful. Loved this installment!


  9. maybe she will be a mother soon:)

  10. hola
    uy uyyyy, esas palabras como pesan

  11. Awwww
    so great chapter, it's so nice too
    Thanks for sharing and for always comment my posts
    Have a nice day ♥

  12. "But he nuzzled her ear instead, speaking something she knew not of."...Really loved this last line, Ellie:) Another great chapter! And that's so great you found a writing partner! Good luck with this new partnership, and hopefully, you can post here what you guys come up with:)
    PS So sorry to hear that you're still feeling a bit ill:( That's good that the meds are helping a bit. Hope you recover completely soon. XOXO
