Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hello July

 It was a long time coming, but it happened. Truly a small affair in the back yard, but with Jen and Stan's help along with Brandon and Declan...it happened. A wedding for Yuki and Em.

By now Em felt safe for Baby Rory with Axton. She wasn't sure why it took so long. That could be the way it was for a first-time mother. Of course, she felt more relaxed that Chili was with him. 

It was nice to have friends over for a late Sunday afternoon. Although, the humidity was a plenty and so were the bugs. Somehow they managed with a cupcake wedding cake, sandwiches and fresh lemonade. Maybe it was Bridgerton inspired, Em now thought. But it was a sunny day and it was perfect. For the most part.

However, Riley showed up with her new love and Melissa was all by her lonesome. Em had not heard from either for so long. She'd hoped they'd patched things up.

Naturally, Riley looked happier than ever, even if she was alone at the farmhouse. Tess was friendly enough and Em was certain maybe it was best for Riley. 

Melissa said she got on at a library in Kansas City.

"Which one?" Brandon wanted to know if she was in Kansas or Missouri. Oh, everyone got a little laugh over that one. Especially, when he talked about living there so long ago. He sounded as if he'd never go back.

"Do you think she's safe there, all on her own?" Em asked Brandon later. After all, he'd had some troubles all on his own there. His ex was still serving time.

"What would I know," he kept smiling. After all, he had Declan by his side as well as being a father to his niece Heidi. "I'm sure she's OK."

But Melissa didn't really talk to anyone that day. Honestly, Em didn't want to take sides. She wanted everyone to be happy. 

At least Brandon made plans with Riley and Tessa on some outing. Really, it was a day to be thankful for. Yuki was as amazing as she ever was and Em was happy that she was happy to be her wife.


  1. Great stuff. Keep going, straight on:-)

  2. Spending time on Sunday, planning for outing, it is a lovely life. Yes Hello July, July is a pop of color, a burst of sunshine,

  3. Gotta love a backyard wedding. I had an outside wedding. Wasn't in my yard, but a park. No bugs, beautiful weather. That was 52 years ago last month.

  4. Sounds like an enjoyable time for everyone.

  5. A beautifully spent wedding day.

  6. That's nice and I hope Melissa gets on well.

    Capt and Tennille?

  7. Uy pobre Melissa Te mando un beso.

  8. Fiquei imaginando a cena do casamento
    no quintal, as comidas e decorações...]

  9. It's a good day for them, and this is good for the readers too
    Thanks for sharing, you know I love your stories
    Hugs and have a nice day ♥

  10. Happy event- the wedding of Yuki and Em. Baby Rory stayed with Axton. A late Sunday afternoon with friends, cake and refreshments. Congratulations!

  11. Hello!
    Wow a wedding!!! Finally a happy ending for a couple! I'm surprised that in the middle of the week coming to your blog to watch a wedding is something to celebrate!!! I raise my glass to the bride and groom, may they be very happy! Happy July!
