Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hello June

 Cedric loved this hometown feel. He liked being out in the burbs. Well, it felt like it even if he was now living in the oldest city in the state. He got on at the hospital not far from Old Towne. 

The place felt new, even if it was in the heart of downtown.  Dory was only a store or two away from the coffee shop and of course, he had his violin lessons to tend to in the afternoons. He only spent time there Monday through Thursday from three until seven. 

Really, Cedric was starting to think they were regular fellows.

"And it took Boone, no time to find a roommate," Cedric smiled as he sipped coffee at the coffee shop while Dory looked over supply lists on his tablet.

"And it wasn't even Lily," Dory mentioned without even looking up.

"Imagine," Cedric shook his head. "What's up with that?"

"She's in Chicago, I guess all summer now."

"Did they have a falling out?"

"Not yet, anyway."

Dory looked up at him as if Cedric was too cute not to take his eyes off of him. "Maddie's got that magic about her."

"Does she?" Cedric chuckled. "I swear, I thought she was so shy, but she's really blossomed." Cedric finally looked to Chili who was at the cash register. "I bet she had something to do with it."

Dory smiled and bit his bottom lip. Yes, everything was peachy, and Cedric was glad to be out of the big city.

"Have you lost it?" Alfie wanted to know as he cornered Boone who was busy checking ovens and what was in them at the bakery.

"Can you not talk so loud?" Boone looked back at him. He was in his denim apron and looked as if he was right where he should be, even if he was in jeans, a fresh white tee, and his black Chuck Taylor's.

"What did Lily say?" Alfie leaned practically over the counter of cupcakes and scones under the glass.

"I ..I haven't had a chance to tell her yet." Boon shrugged about the Maddie matter.

He went on to take out a veggie quiche to cool. There were loaves of bread to tend to.

"Why not?" His brother wanted answers.


"Well, what?"

"She just hasn't gotten back to me. I call, I do, but it just goes to voicemail." 

That blank look of Boone's was full of trouble. Alfie sensed it.

"You need to talk to her." 

Alfie told him. He grabbed the last of the quiche that was at the counter. 

"I know. I will."

"You can't keep this from her."

Alfie wanted to tell him that Lily would be mad. Boone was supposed to let her decide who that roommate would be. Boone remained even-lipped as if he very well knew what Alfie was thinking.


  1. Mam trochę do nadrobienia po urlopie....
    Pozdrawiam jeszcze majowymi wspomnieniami

  2. they should talk. As soon as possible!

  3. It seems a cool story, all the post are related as chapters? I'm sorry, i didn't visited in a while xx

  4. hiii
    Othe amazing chapter, like always. I really enjoy them, all your stories, they are a safe place for me
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day ♥

  5. Ellie,
    May the month of June be very interesting for you, just as your texts are always interesting.

  6. Cedric loved his hometown feeling. Dory was close to the coffee shop. All good.
    Alphie wanted an answer from his brother Boone about telling Lily the identity of the roomate. Well, she hasn't got back to him - was his answer.

  7. Genial fragmento Me gusta Cedric. Te mando un beso.

  8. hola
    me siento un poco perdida porque no he leído el anterior, pero antes de nada quiero decirte que escribes genial

    1. Hi
      I feel a bit lost because I haven't read the previous one, but first of all I want to tell you that you write great🍧🍧🍧🍧🌈🌈🌸🌸🌸Thank you so much! thanks for reading!

  9. Have a nice and creative June.

  10. Sim, Lily merece escolher sua companheira de quarto!
    Boas inpirações e boa semana! Beijos! 🌺

    1. Oh, I'm not sure if Lily should choose Boone's roommate. After all, she might have other plans in Chicago.

  11. Molto bello questo capitolo, bellissima la tua creatività come i tuoi personaggi. Grazie per il saluto sul mio blog carissima e scusami per il ritardo nel risponderti...ti mando un abbraccio🌸🌺

    1. This chapter is very beautiful, your creativity is as beautiful as your characters. Thank you for the greeting on my blog dearest and sorry for the delay in replying to you... I send you a hug🌸🌺

      It's so good to hear from you. I hope you have a wonderful June!
