Saturday, January 4, 2025

It's just a simple line

 "Oh, it was such a cozy wedding," Em said to Chili when she came over after Em texted her. She had leftover Christmas cookies and candy waiting with steaming mugs of coffee. It had turned cold and snowed a little, but it didn't keep Chili away.

"You mean Riley and Tess' wedding?" Chili smiled back as she held her mug of coffee to warm her hands. She took a seat in the livingroom and eyed the candy and cookies a little, but left it alone. 

"It wasn't a bad day for it, windy, of course," Em said the ceremony was in someone's livingroom. They had walked down the stairway and it was great for a photo opp. They'd gotten married the day after Christmas and then went skiing in Colorado. 

"I had no idea those two like the outdoors so much," Em told her. Of course, she changed the subject. When were Chili and Axton going to have a wedding?

Chili didn't know what to say. She finally confessed it probably wouldn't be anytime soon. She shrugged about the matter that maybe it was her, but they both knew Axton was in no hurry.

"Just go ahead and have a baby already," Em was serious. 

Chili shook her head, no. She thought that was the way to lose him. She put down her coffee and decided to go for some homemade fudge. "Besides, if I tried, it probably wouldn't happen anyway." She was straight-lipped trying to decide if it was her or him. 

"Don't say that," Em told her not to give up. 

"Well, do  you think Yuki would ever have a baby?" Chili thought she should turn the tables. See how Em would feel about that.

"Highly unlikely, but I'd never say never," Em said. Rory awoke from her crib and Em went to get her. She put her on the big rug and Rory went to scooting. They watched her hard at work, and soon enough she was crawling her way to the coffee table.

"Look, if you have a baby, it would be someone for Rory to play with. Seriously, I would take care of the baby. We would help you as much as we could." Em said they should get married and have a family.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Chili found herself saying. Sure she and Em were always good friends.

"I think Axton needs to have a real family, too. Not just that weekend, Dad, you know," Em looked sad about it. "Yes, we are a family, but you are his equal and I know you'll  be good for  him and he's good for you."

Chili found comfort in hearing her words, but she knew Axton worried about debt and the cost of having one more child.


  1. simple, and yet poignant work:-)
    loved it

  2. All this talk of babies is adorable. There are two new babies in my family, my husband's niece had a baby girl, and my husband's nephew had a baby boy. Babies are a blessing...but also children are a great responsibility. It's normal to worry about the cost of raising them.

  3. Tener hijos es una decisión que hay que meditar. La pareja debe querer, los dos, tener un bebé no se educe solo a los gastos que produce. Es mucho más.

    1. Having children is a decision that must be meditated upon. The couple must both want to have a baby, not only to the expenses it produces. It is much more. 💗💗💗💗💗💗 Yes, something most are weighing out more than ever these days.

  4. Raising children takes a lot of time, it's understandable that he's worried.

  5. Uy Pobrecitos criar hijos es una gran responsabilidad. Te mando un beso.

  6. You don't want Axton to marry you because of the baby, do you, Chili?

  7. having baby is complicated for some people....

  8. Nice post about children, the angels on earth, sometimes monkeys but not all time hahaha.

  9. Well 🎄☕ I have to admit, those stairs for photos were a genius idea ALWAYS good idea I can just picture the smiles against all the holiday decorations. And all that talk about weddings and babies? Oh boy, if I were Chili, I’d be reaching for the fudge too to dodge those questions. 😅 But, hey, Em does have a point—Rory could use a little playmat :D

  10. So much going on in this beautiful story dear Ellie
    It is sad how people think many times before having baby or getting married in these much demanding era
    Happy new year my friend to you and your family
    Best wishes and love ❤️

  11. Having a baby changes everything and you must be ready to handle the situation.

  12. Eu adorei a composição de imagens do post!
    Boas inspirações em 2025! Um abraço!

    1. I loved the composition of images in the post!
      Happy inspirations in 2025! A hug!💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗Thank you! Happy New Year!

  13. Bardzo prawdziwe. Lubię jak w opowieściach jest dużo emocji i jak są oparte na rzeczywistości na życiu. Dzieci są esencja życia trzeba uważać by im uprzykrzyć dzieciństwa.

    1. Very true. I like when there is a lot of emotion in stories and how they are based on reality, on life. Children are the essence of life, you have to be careful to make their childhood miserable.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you for your comment! Thanks for reading!
