Monday, April 16, 2018

a friend indeed

Valentina knew this wouldn't be easy, getting to know Gabby. But she could tell as of late Ste wasn't himself. He was so quiet, yet it looked like he was sleepwalking with his eyes open.

Of course, Ollie told her to stay out of it. Maybe this was best. If they(Gabby and Ste)  broke up, maybe they could move on. He said time was the answer to everything. Only, Valentina soon found out from Gabby there was no breakup.

Valentina didn't dwell on how things looked. She asked about prom, was she going. Gabby shrugged.

"We should all go together." Her bright idea was for Ollie to drive them since Ste didn't have a driver's license.

Gabby looked at her as if that was out of the question. If anyone was going to be driving, it would be her. She told Valentina, "Ollie drives like a wild Indian."

Valentina couldn't help but smile. This might be true.

"So, you'll drive us?" Suddenly, it felt Gabby might want to be her big sister and look out for her, but she hugged herself instead.

Valentina looked around the room. She noticed the plushie Ste made for Gabby. Valentina smiled. There was a chance they could be good for each other.

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