Saturday, April 3, 2021

Now stop..there ain't no more

 "I just can't do it," Dan hated to admit it, but he couldn't sleep with Steve. He nursed his bottom lip and went to slip on his slippers as he got out of bed. He needed coffee.

Steve squinted hard and followed. He was in his sleep plants and Summer Reading program tee. 

"We're not kids anymore," Steve agreed and quickly exited to the bathroom.

"Your feet or too big!" Dan told him from the kitchen. He tried to stretch out the kink in his neck. Nobody had slept liked a baby but Jory and he was in his own room.

"My feet?" Now Steve was in a huff. "You're feet are huge."

"Why does your big toe feel like a knife?" Dan looked at him as if maybe they were both pretty pathetic. He knew it was only temporary. But now, he had to find a place doable on Steve's income.

The coffee couldn't come soon enough. And from there they went to sit at the dining table to stare at their coffee until it cooled and waited to be caffeinated.

"First of all, you need a better job," Dan got on his laptop and showed Steve where he could apply at the hospital.

Steve looked and drew a face of uncertainty. "The hospital has a library?"

Dan nodded. "I want you to apply. I'll put in a good word for you."

Steve didn't complain. He went ahead and applied online.

Dan knew he was sad, but he didn't think Steve was that in love with Simon. He didn't seem heartbroken, but perhaps more mad at himself. 

Dan looked on his phone on FACEBOOK and found a one-bedroom place over a garage. "We should look at this today." It was still the beginning of the month. Maybe no one was closing a deal. It didn't look that way. He made a call. 

Honesty, he couldn't wait to have his bed to himself. He'd spent a total of three nights with Steve and that was three too many.

Steve's cell rang. It was the hospital. They wanted to set up an interview. Steve looked puzzled as if nothing like this had ever happened this quickly. They needed someone for Inter-library loan.


  1. Good news for Steve, or at least I hope. I imagine that sharing a bed must be hard.

  2. That's some great news for Steve, hopefully he will get it.

  3. Amazing news for Steve!
    I love this cap
    Thanks for sahring ♥

  4. Ojala le vaya bien Steve, Te mando un beso

  5. Indeed, instant recruitment for work :)

  6. Hello!! I hope Steve gets the job. Thanks for sharing.


  7. It's healthy that Steve and Dan agree that it's better if Steve lives on his own. The higher-paying library job popping up seems like a good sign, as does the garage apartment!
