Tuesday, December 13, 2022

the misfortune of meeting


Aurora told Alfie he had a bad aura. "But don't worry, something good is coming your way too."

They'd met for coffee and Alfie thought it was the strangest date he'd ever been on, but he kept smiling and listening to what she had to say.

"You'll find out some news that might bother you," she told him as she drank her hot herbal tea. No way was she going to let her perfect body have caffeine.

Alfie only sighed, thinking this was a waste of time, but of course, he said, "Go on." Maybe she would tell him his future, but she only gave him riddles instead. He had no time for stuff like that. "Can you tell me what's really going to happen?"

She shook her head, no. "Did you give Gage a reading too?" He wanted to know.

She shrugged. If she did, he didn't want to listen.

"Don't worry, he'll find somebody too." She nodded.

"Will it be really serious?" Alfie couldn't help but let his eyes bulge as he questioned her, thinking she had to be fake but she was just so damn sincere.

"Possibly," She looked him in the eye.

"Don't worry," her smile was open. "You'll be there when it happens."

Alfie just about choked on his coffee. What did this all mean? Did she know something about Gage and him? It gave him the shivers. Naturally, she didn't stay long. She had to go. Alfie was trying to digest it all. It just baffled him. He cringed at the thought that she thought he and Gage had something going on. A part of him was a bit faint. Of course, Gage came along not long after the coffee date ended.

"So how did it go?" He acted as if it might be promising.

"Not a thing to tell," Alfie did his best hoping he didn't make a face of disgust. "Just fluff, you know."

"Fluff?" Gage tilted his head with a squint as if he had no idea what Alfie was getting at.

"Don't worry, it's going nowhere with Aurora." He ordered a slice of quiche for both of them and Gage got a coffee.

"Maybe, I shouldn't go out with Nora." Gage sounded as if he didn't have the time.

"Oh, she's kind of a badass, but not really," he said about his co-worker. "I don't think she would hurt you."

"Well, you seem to know her," he sounded it was best as if maybe he should date her.

"Look, she knows me really well. She won't go out with me." Alfie looked at him blankly.

"Then ..then why would she go out with me?" Gage wanted to know as he attacked the warm quiche with his fork. 

"Because she's curious. You better ask her out."

"What did you say?" He squinted as if Alfie was so wrong about all this dating stuff.

"Not a lot," he looked hurt as if he said quite a bit about him.

"Oh, god," he shook his head no. No way was he going out with somebody Alfie knew.  Alfie nodded, yeah whatever Aurora had said meant nothing.


  1. I am very curious if Aurora is really a fortune teller;D

  2. Time will tell if Aurora is right.

  3. Las cosas se complican. Te mando un beso.

  4. Use que lindos, gracias por la recomendación.

  5. I have to say, I was getting vibes that there might be more than friendship growing between Gage and Alfie. Glad to see it wasn't all in my head! It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

    That's terrible that you have to deal with so many Scrooges! And also that you feel pressure to make hats as gifts. Sometimes I think Christmas isn't the most wonderful time of the year, but the most stressful time of the year. There are so many expectations on top of all the regular day-to-day to-dos. Come back summer, I miss you! 🌞

  6. Things are getting worse. Have a nice day

  7. I'm also complaining lately of a 'bad aura'. By the way, caffeine has some benefits too. So, people who try decaffeinated coffee, usually go back to the regular one.
