Thursday, December 15, 2022

Things that will never happen

 Nora wished Alfie would shut up. God, why couldn't he shut up? It was like he questioned her about his own life as if she was his conscience. They were in the back of the pharmacy taking a quick break with a mug of coffee. Really, he just made Christmas dreadful.

"The things she said," he shook his head. "What if they are true? What if I fall off the wagon?"

"What?" She winced a bit peeved.

"I've been doing so well. I made it through Thanksgiving without a drink. God, any other time I would have finished off a twelve-pack of beer and a couple of bottles of wine. That's just how I am." He told her. He sounded as if he was not ready for Christmas at Christine's.

"Stop overthinking," she looked at him as if he was a real fool believing everything his blind date said. "You'll be fine. What did Gage say about all this?"

"Oh, I couldn't tell him," Alfie sucked in a breath. "He's so much better than me."

"Well, he hasn't called me," she practically snapped. She'd been waiting. Waiting for this fantastic Gage to call and nothing. Absolutely, nothing. She took a sip of her hot coffee. Actually, she'd poured some coco-cola in it,  hoping to keep her awake.

"I know Christine, really wants me to move out," he sighed. "Tony is already there. I bet he and Ting have a baby by spring."

"Tony's just a kid," Nora made a face of disgust. She thought they were so cute together. How could he be thinking that? "It's you! Who wants a kid."

"I do not," he swore. "I just think Christine should be prepared." He told her that would never happen to him. He didn't want any kids. 

She didn't believe him. Maybe it would be the best thing for him. Of course, it wouldn't be with her. No, she was waiting for this Gage to show up. He sounded like an angel of some kind. She laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Obviously, it's not you." She laughed more.


  1. He could always change his mind about kids.

  2. Good conversation over coffee in the back of the pharmacy.

  3. This made me crack up. Her wanting him to shut up. And Alfie... :)

  4. Uy que tierno fragmento.

  5. Oh, Alfie! He's always so entertaining. And the prediction about him and Gage is really eating at him. I hope he's able to sort himself out.

  6. i hate when my phone is silence... expecially when I am waiting for important call

  7. I loved the chapter

  8. Thanks for your comment.
    Have a good weekend.
