Sunday, April 7, 2024

Baby Love

 Amy looked at the tiny infant in Em's arms. She was home now and already in jeans and a tee shirt. It was like nothing had ever happened, but here was the bundle of joy that everyone spoke of.

Amy smiled so much that she was almost in tears. Almost. Maybe she was giddy. She didn't know, but Em handed over the sleeping babe. Of course, Amy was sitting next to Em and Eli was squashed on the couch next to Amy.

Amy felt a little lightheaded. It was such a strange feeling. "I wish mom was having a girl." She said so quickly.

"You'll get used to having a brother," Em smiled and looked to Eli. "After all, you have him to help you."

Eli choked on a laugh. Suddenly, Amy felt like she was passing the potato. "Here, you take her." Amy handed the baby to him.

"I don't know what to do," Eli squawked. The infant flinched slightly, but it was in his arms now.

"We'll have to learn how know-"

"Babysit?" Em's smile was open. "Sure, I'll teach you everything you need to know."

Eli gave Amy the eye. "He knows nothing about babies." Amy scowled.

"Well, neither do you." Eli's brow furrowed.

"Maybe, it's too soon." Em took the baby back as if they'd had enough. She got up with the baby and went to check on her diaper.

"Hey, wait a minute..what's she saying?" Eli looked at Amy as if this was all her fault.

"We're never having a baby," she informed him. "Got that!"

Eli nodded. "I'm glad we're on the same page about this."


  1. Other incredible chapter! Babies are an important topic, the couples need to know if they want or not have babies and they need to be agree with the other partner
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice April ♥

  2. A wonderful chapter, children are the wonder of this world. Cheers, have a good new week.

  3. Lovely chapter with nice dialogues and description.

  4. Oh well I am not fan of storuies with babies and i am not sure why

  5. Thank you for your visit and your comment.
    The ending of the story is good.
    Wish you a happy new week!

  6. Haha we'll see. they say that now... :)

  7. I really liked the chapter, it turned out great, congratulations, greetings

  8. Uy pobrecitos. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  9. Hola! un capítulo increíble, me gusto muchísimo. Los bebes son adorables. Besos

  10. Having or not having children really does need to be discussed ahead of time, and it's important for people to agree on that....even though down the road feelings might change. And no one gets a manual, you learn as you go.

  11. hola
    tengo que buscar donde me quedé la última vez... a ver si me pongo al día

    1. Hi
      I have to look for where I left off last time... Let's see if I catch up 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 I hope so.

  12. I loved the chapter. A baby always brings joy

  13. A baby has to be wanted by both parents, I know stories where this didn't happen and it was the child who suffered!
    Then children aren't born with an instruction manual, we have to learn, but now there are books on everything, I think motherhood is also intuition and instinct!

  14. Ooh, Em's baby is here! I found this part very uplifting:

    "It was like nothing had ever happened, but here was the bundle of joy that everyone spoke of."

    Eli and Amy's decision not to have kids was an interesting twist. Of course, I said that once upon a time too, and here I am almost ready to pop! 👶💗👶💗

  15. awe this was so sweeeeeeet and full of coziness of life :)
    reminded me times when my both younger sons born ,the environment was same ,love and warmth are most beautiful ingredients of life undoubtedly :)
